API Reference


This module provides the genqr function for generating QR codes with customizable features.


  • qrcode (qrcode): The library used for generating QR codes.
  • PIL.Image (PIL): The Python Imaging Library for handling images.
  • io (io): A module used for working with streams and memory buffers.


genqr(data=None, color="black", size=10, qr_border=5, qrversion=5)

Generates a QR code with the specified parameters and returns it as a memory buffer.

  • Parameters:
  • data (str, optional): The data to encode in the QR code. Default is None. Returns an error message if not provided.
  • color (str, optional): The color of the QR code. Default is "black".
  • size (int, optional): The size of each box in the QR code, determining the resolution. Default is 10.
  • qr_border (int, optional): The width of the border around the QR code in boxes. Default is 5.
  • qrversion (int, optional): The version of the QR code, which controls the size and data capacity. Must be between 1 and 40. Default is 5.

  • Returns:

  • io.BytesIO: A memory buffer containing the QR code image if successful.
  • str: An error message if an error occurs during the QR code generation process.


This script uses the Streamlit framework to create a web interface for generating QR codes with custom data, color, version, border, and resolution.


  • streamlit (st): The Streamlit library for creating web apps.
  • genqr (function): A custom function from qr.py to generate QR codes.
  • PIL.Image (PIL.Image): The Python Imaging Library for handling images.

Streamlit App Components

  • Title:
  • st.title(): Displays the title of the web app.
  • Content: ':violet[Gen]:rainbow[QR] 🌚'.

  • Form:

  • st.form("custom-qr"): Defines a form to collect user input for generating QR codes.

    • st.text_input(): Field for entering the data to encode in the QR code.
    • st.color_picker(): Color picker for selecting the QR code color.
    • st.slider(): Sliders for selecting QR version, border size, and resolution.
  • Submission:

  • st.form_submit_button("Submit"): Button to submit the form.
  • Conditional logic to handle empty data input and errors during QR code generation.

  • QR Code Display:

  • st.image(): Displays the generated QR code image.
  • st.error(): Displays error messages if any issues occur.